Nora's quiet life is turned upside down when, during her summer holidays, this naïve 15-year-old comes across Libertad, also 15. This new, intense friendship between the two utterly different girls will guide them towards adolescence. Nora's quiet life is turned upside down when, during her summer holidays, this naive 15-year old comes across Libertad. This new, intense friendship between the two utterly different girls will guide them towards adolescence.
#74th Marché du Film Online# 影评人周竞赛。西语系国家真有好多这种故事,比如2020地平线最佳短片哥伦比亚的《在你和米拉格罗斯之间》简直是一模一样的故事——而且这个片子里面佣人母女也是来自哥伦比亚。少女-家族-阶级,虽然如@Petercat 所说很迅哥儿和闰土,然而导演极有可能找的是小津(尤其是《麦秋》,静物转场+反复说的“可能是最后一个夏天”+小津两种结局之一)。另外人物设置上是一个反转的《阿黛尔的生活》(不过没有Les线就是了)。相当工整圆熟的处女作。
#Cannes2021Critics‘WeekCompetition 不痛不痒…
#Cannes2021SemaineDeLaCritique 鲁迅和闰土的事儿,放到今日欧洲有闲阶级,就是庸常如斯。#不如不拍系列