本片《深陷泥潭》(Awfully Deep)是伦敦 I Made it Films 工作室导演 Daniel Florencio2011年执导的短片,本片入围了英国电影电视艺术学院奖,土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际短片电影节、法国克莱蒙费朗国际短片电影节等多个国际电影节。
短片叙事平静,带有一种审慎的幽默感,通过荒诞手法讽刺了人性中自私的一面,主人公只管自己衣着光鲜亮丽,对于集体利益却置若罔闻,本是一桩可以及时扼杀的小祸害,因为人性的自私而没有防微杜渐。导演用直白的比喻批判人性中黑暗的一面,那种恶劣的品质如烂泥一样腐朽而龌龊。 Edward, Susan and their son Lino live a nice life in the suburbs, having all that their bourgeois life can afford. Then, one day and without warning, stinky, brown, doughy 'stuff' starts appearing outside their expensive and luxurious home. Despite the son's pleas to get their hands dirty and clean it up, the parents insist that that is 'someone else's job'.
短片叙事平静,带有一种审慎的幽默感,通过荒诞手法讽刺了人性中自私的一面,主人公只管自己衣着光鲜亮丽,对于集体利益却置若罔闻,本是一桩可以及时扼杀的小祸害,因为人性的自私而没有防微杜渐。导演用直白的比喻批判人性中黑暗的一面,那种恶劣的品质如烂泥一样腐朽而龌龊。 Edward, Susan and their son Lino live a nice life in the suburbs, having all that their bourgeois life can afford. Then, one day and without warning, stinky, brown, doughy 'stuff' starts appearing outside their expensive and luxurious home. Despite the son's pleas to get their hands dirty and clean it up, the parents insist that that is 'someone else's job'.