Marion is filled with grief since the loss of her sister. On a year of her sister's loss, she walks on a journey through the streets of Paris, she encounters with some faces that youth no longer relate with and then she met impulsive Alex.
Marion faces Paris at night with a feeling of vulnerability linked to the loss of her sister. She crosses paths with Alex. Their encounter will evolve at the rhythm of their wanderings through the city, like a journey through the night.
在那些充斥着创伤与混乱的时刻,她得抓紧属于自己的温暖与风景;城市的生活图景,巧妙地串入女主角的生活与情绪探照之中,精简的片长同样赋予一种“妙”的直观感受。噱头是带着《五至七时的克莱奥》气质的一种复刻,但在观点上却做得没那么出色;Tom Mercier才是点亮这里的灯光,用银幕属性的另一面再次问候。
Non, merci, mais non
#Venezia78 故事开始以为是《L'ami de mon amie》,故事结束发现是青少年《Frankie》,建议是先有文本能力再做侯麦梦。
#venezia78 地平线extra。处女作,导演以前是cast director,所以本片两位主演选得非常棒,但导演水平平平。对摄影师非常不满意,把女主拍得很好,把男主拍得毫无光彩,而他的角色本可以化掉粉丝的心。对比《同义词》和《本色》,能把Tom Mercier拍得那么平庸也真是个本事。
前半段给恐噪音人士造成了巨大伤害,后半段摇身变成了青春伤痕版before sunrise
#venice78 可怕 蹦迪的音乐响到我椅子都一直在震
#venezia78 Orizzonti Extra