An irresponsible Utah student body president faces impeachment as he attempts to sweet-talk his way into Yale.
It's 1994. Mount Vista High's student body president Tim Timmerman has aspirations of attending Yale and becoming a famous politician. Tim realizes the quickest pathway to Washington is befriending Sydney and rubbing shoulders with her father, Senator Anderson. Nothing can stop Tim from reaching the top...except himself.
一般 话痨
美国精神 美国文化,慢慢正能量,什么文化都有缺失的部分,但是他们比我们多很多肯定自己的地方。我们的文化更多的是角力综合。。。按部就班。。。民族还是需要信仰的东西。
还挺好看的啊 简简单单的高中生故事 BTW 那个刺客之争的游戏看起来很好玩啊