苏联导演伊戈尔·戈斯捷夫(Igor Gostev)根据KGB副主席茨维贡长篇纪实小说改编、著名演员吉洪诺夫(Vyacheslav Tikhonov)主演的战争三部曲其二。
1943年至1944年的白俄罗斯,前身为独立团的苏军特殊使命分队的敌后战争与牺牲:为了阻止德军增援苏联前线,查明德军防线秘密工事所在与布局、火力配备和兵力部署,造成苏军将由南部发动进攻的假象,苏联情报机构和苏共地下组织付出了沉重代价,而为了歼灭冒充游击队的德军突击队,被斯大林由少校提拔为上校的特殊使命分队指挥官也九死一生…… Front za liniey fronta (1977) is the second episode, after "Front bez flangov" (1974) in the trilogy about the partisans fighting against the Nazis during the WWII on the territory of Russia. Film is set in the winter of 1943-1944. Major Mlynsky is the commander of the partisan group, that is fighting behind the Nazi's front-lines. Major Mlynsky is invited to the Chief of Staff, where he is promoted to Lt.-Colonel for his courage. Now Mlynsky is in charge of the new partisan's operation.
1943年至1944年的白俄罗斯,前身为独立团的苏军特殊使命分队的敌后战争与牺牲:为了阻止德军增援苏联前线,查明德军防线秘密工事所在与布局、火力配备和兵力部署,造成苏军将由南部发动进攻的假象,苏联情报机构和苏共地下组织付出了沉重代价,而为了歼灭冒充游击队的德军突击队,被斯大林由少校提拔为上校的特殊使命分队指挥官也九死一生…… Front za liniey fronta (1977) is the second episode, after "Front bez flangov" (1974) in the trilogy about the partisans fighting against the Nazis during the WWII on the territory of Russia. Film is set in the winter of 1943-1944. Major Mlynsky is the commander of the partisan group, that is fighting behind the Nazi's front-lines. Major Mlynsky is invited to the Chief of Staff, where he is promoted to Lt.-Colonel for his courage. Now Mlynsky is in charge of the new partisan's operation.