友子(柿园玲佳 饰)和母亲过着相依为命的生活,母亲常常徘徊在不同的男人之间,每天都喝到深夜才回来,友子虽然年幼,却早已经习惯了这样的生活。某日,母亲在丢下了生活费后又不知所踪,无奈之下,友子只能找到舅舅政男(桐谷健太 饰),暂时住在他的家里。
在舅舅家,友子见到了政男的同居“女友”伦子(生田斗真 饰),伦子虽然拥有着柔软的胸脯,却是个货真价实的男人。在友子面前,伦子展现出了无限的温柔和体贴,渐渐让友子找回了缺失的母爱,三个人组成了一个奇异却充满了温暖的家庭。可爱乖巧的友子让伦子渐渐产生了想要将她永远留在身边的念头,可就在此时,友子的母亲回来了。 One spring Hiromi, who is the mother of an 11-year-old girl Tomo, left home for the umpteenth time. Tomo is accustomed to such a mother and as always went to Makio's place. He is a brother of Hiromi and has lived with Rinko, a pretty girlfriend. Actually, Rinko is a transwoman. She works as a caregiver in a nursing home where Makio's mother Sayuri who suffers from dementia is living. Rinko makes a delicious meal and sometimes cuddles Tomo. She is a little confused, but Tomo, Rinko and Makio start to live a life together. One day Rinko teaches Tomo to knit to control her temper. Rinko was also taught by her mother at the age of puberty when she struggled with her sexuality. A daughter neglected by her mother. A gentle uncle and his transgender lover. An angsty boy who recognizes a sense of himself as a gay - A warm "knitting" reorganizes unconventional family.
在舅舅家,友子见到了政男的同居“女友”伦子(生田斗真 饰),伦子虽然拥有着柔软的胸脯,却是个货真价实的男人。在友子面前,伦子展现出了无限的温柔和体贴,渐渐让友子找回了缺失的母爱,三个人组成了一个奇异却充满了温暖的家庭。可爱乖巧的友子让伦子渐渐产生了想要将她永远留在身边的念头,可就在此时,友子的母亲回来了。 One spring Hiromi, who is the mother of an 11-year-old girl Tomo, left home for the umpteenth time. Tomo is accustomed to such a mother and as always went to Makio's place. He is a brother of Hiromi and has lived with Rinko, a pretty girlfriend. Actually, Rinko is a transwoman. She works as a caregiver in a nursing home where Makio's mother Sayuri who suffers from dementia is living. Rinko makes a delicious meal and sometimes cuddles Tomo. She is a little confused, but Tomo, Rinko and Makio start to live a life together. One day Rinko teaches Tomo to knit to control her temper. Rinko was also taught by her mother at the age of puberty when she struggled with her sexuality. A daughter neglected by her mother. A gentle uncle and his transgender lover. An angsty boy who recognizes a sense of himself as a gay - A warm "knitting" reorganizes unconventional family.
好看 @2018-11-23 13:09:22
凛子妈妈很温柔呢。人生啊 确实就是这样缝缝补补过的吧。
世界以痛吻我,我却报之以歌 凛子酱真的好温柔5555 海边燃烧的108只彩色鸡鸡居然让我感到治愈