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美丽但却贫穷的姑娘Rubí,是一个为了钱程而不择手段的人,先是爱上朋友男友的室友,但在发现他并非富家子弟后,转而勾引朋友男友并成功上位。金钱与爱情,孰轻孰重,Rubí在茫茫欲海中浮沉。 Rubí is an ambitious young woman, who all her life has wanted to be rich. She studies at a private university, where she meets sweet and rich Maribel, and becomes her friend. Rubí is Maribel's only friend. Maribel doesn't realize that Rubi wants to be her friend only because of her money. When Hector, a young and handsome architect with whom Marible had been chatting on the Internet arrives at Mexico, Rubí meets his friend, Alejandro. Alejandro and Rubí immediately fall in love. Hector proposes marriage to Maribel and she accepts. When Rubí finds out that Alejandro isn't rich like she thought he was, she decides to break up with him and do everything in order to marry rich Hector, and finally get the life she has always dreamed of...


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    Papá a Toda Madre

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