You are sitting in the back of a taxi, driving in the dark. As the landscape begins to change, the outside environment becomes increasingly surreal.
You are sitting in the back of a taxi, driving in the dark. As the landscape begins to change, the outside environment becomes increasingly surreal.
#Clermont-Ferrand VR单元# 诡异的气氛,开始还以为毯子下盖的是尸体,原来是只能看见自己的下半身……定格动画每个模型都做得挺好的,不断变迁的移民国家承载着异乡人们飞翔的梦?
#49th IFFR# Voices。威尼斯2019VR单元→鹿特丹。VR定格动画,猫头鹰(或者什么鸟?)出租司机带你飞,完成得还是蛮不错的。基于对出租司机的采访,讨论了移民经历。
瓦楞纸stop motion,一个颇有寓言性质的故事。开头阴森森的气氛让我误以为是个惊悚片,结果最后是温馨向。因为讲的是澳大利亚新移民,不知是不是故意引导观众这样感觉,以达到隐隐约约的讽刺效果。(不知道怎么的想到了“鸭子侦探”。)