“我为两个陌生人主持婚礼,但我们知道,他们未来有:14%的几率劳燕分飞、58%的几率有外遇,17%的几率婚姻不幸福。” 神父问站在面前的一对新人,史黛芬和托马斯,问所有来庆贺的亲朋好友:“我该怎么做?假装一切正常?”
《爱情妈妈眯呀》集合了从恋爱到婚姻,可能出现的种种难题,幽默的让人发笑,也会有那么一瞬,让人又笑不出来。这部2002年的电影,号称意大利的《欲望都市》,可是,我更爱它当中清新不俗的人情味,胜过更摩登也更悲伤的纽约。 Stefania and Tommaso are to marry and want their wedding to be special. They travel to Stefania's childhood church and there meet a priest who rises to the challenge. In the ceremony the couple are confronted with not only the beauty of their love but also the darker challenges of marriage; the loss of togetherness, the temptations, the interference of others. Yet, through it all they and their guests learn that love is something that we all must do alone.
《爱情妈妈眯呀》集合了从恋爱到婚姻,可能出现的种种难题,幽默的让人发笑,也会有那么一瞬,让人又笑不出来。这部2002年的电影,号称意大利的《欲望都市》,可是,我更爱它当中清新不俗的人情味,胜过更摩登也更悲伤的纽约。 Stefania and Tommaso are to marry and want their wedding to be special. They travel to Stefania's childhood church and there meet a priest who rises to the challenge. In the ceremony the couple are confronted with not only the beauty of their love but also the darker challenges of marriage; the loss of togetherness, the temptations, the interference of others. Yet, through it all they and their guests learn that love is something that we all must do alone.