艾林(皮尔·克里斯汀·艾勒夫森 Per Christian Ellefsen 饰)年近四十还和母亲生活在一起,如今,母亲不幸去世,艾林彻底成为了生活无法自理的“孤儿”,最终,他被送入了疗养院。在疗养院中的生活有如坐牢,一晃眼两年过去,他被安排和一位名叫谢尔(斯文·诺丁 Sven Nordin 饰)的男人成为了室友,入住了位于奥斯路的公寓。
真正的挑战这才要开始,两个男人老大不小,却犹如雏鸟一般在社会中举步维艰,连电话也不会使用的他们该如何靠着自己的力量生存下去了?然而,艾林和谢尔必须证明他们的能力,因为如果两人无法适应社会,他们将再度回到没有自由的疗养院之中。 When his mother, who has sheltered him his entire 40 years, dies, Elling, a sensitive, would-be poet, is sent to live in a state institution. There he meets Kjell Bjarne, a gentle giant and female-obsessed virgin in his 40s. After two years, the men are released and provided with a state-funded apartment and stipend with the hope they will be able to live on their own. Initially, the simple act of going around the corner for groceries is a challenge. Through a friendship born of desperate dependence, the skittish Elling and the boisterous, would-be lover of women, Kjell Bjarne, discover they can not only survive on the outside, they can thrive. But as their courage grows, the two find oddball ways to cope with society, striking up the most peculiar friendships in the most unlikely places.
真正的挑战这才要开始,两个男人老大不小,却犹如雏鸟一般在社会中举步维艰,连电话也不会使用的他们该如何靠着自己的力量生存下去了?然而,艾林和谢尔必须证明他们的能力,因为如果两人无法适应社会,他们将再度回到没有自由的疗养院之中。 When his mother, who has sheltered him his entire 40 years, dies, Elling, a sensitive, would-be poet, is sent to live in a state institution. There he meets Kjell Bjarne, a gentle giant and female-obsessed virgin in his 40s. After two years, the men are released and provided with a state-funded apartment and stipend with the hope they will be able to live on their own. Initially, the simple act of going around the corner for groceries is a challenge. Through a friendship born of desperate dependence, the skittish Elling and the boisterous, would-be lover of women, Kjell Bjarne, discover they can not only survive on the outside, they can thrive. But as their courage grows, the two find oddball ways to cope with society, striking up the most peculiar friendships in the most unlikely places.
喜欢北欧片子的原因:干净,哪怕是讨论残酷与邪恶; 耐心,从写到拍都非常细致;一气呵成,情节经得起推敲。失真度比很多法德片小很多。 许是严寒与过于严重的昼夜分割,才成就了这么耐心的故事。 藏着一种天然的悲天悯人。
自闭症患者在福利国家。Oslo kommune给他们租的公寓在Majorstuen啊,真是洋气。对挪威诗歌圈的刻画有点意思。。。
应该说 生活没有我们想象的那么糟 还是说 我们远比自己想象的强大。不是所有的变化都是负面的。就顺其自然地 真诚地拥有每一种感情吧。