How did the food industry get us to stop asking the question: is sugar toxic? It all starts with a secret PR campaign dating back to the 1970s. For forty years, Big Sugar deflected all threats to its multi-billion dollar empire, while sweetening the world's food supply. As obesity, diabetes, and heart disease rates skyrocket, doctors are now treating the first generation of children suffering from fatty liver disease. The sugar industry is once again under siege. They dodged the bullet once. Will they do it again?
sugar + corn = modern American lives LOL
fucking hell
每次去自助餐看到超重的人仿佛停不下来一般不停的吃面前小山一样的食物我就会说不出来的难过。看别人吃糖分很多的食物也是同感。Substance abuse在食物上总是来的更可怕
片子不错,不过这个类型的有点套路了。说到最后都是大企业如何不好。世事往往如此,当一小部分人发现truth之后,总要经过长久的与既得利益集团以及世人convention knowledge的斗争才能真正改变社会。