经典功夫喜剧系列电影《龙威小子》故事未完,YouTube Red 打造续集影集《Cobra Kai》正式预告上线。34 年前在《龙威小子2》展开世纪对决的丹尼尔与强尼,时隔多年将再度交手,当时饰演两人的雷夫·马奇欧(Ralph Macchio)与威廉·萨巴卡(William Zabka)回归演出相同角色。
《Cobra Kai》故事背景设定在《龙威小子3》的 30 年后,丹尼尔成为汽车经销商,有著完美的家庭。他的高中死对头强尼则是经营空手道道场 Cobra Kai,,试图在多年前的失败中找到救赎。当这两位对手再度交会,多年前的战火再度燃起。 Thirty years after their final confrontation at the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, Johnny Lawrence is at rock-bottom as an unemployed handyman haunted by his wasted life. However, when Johnny rescues a bullied kid, Miguel, from bullies, he is inspired to restart the notorious Cobra Kai dojo. However, this revitalization of his life and related misunderstandings find Johnny restarting his old rivalry with Daniel LaRousso, a successful businessman who may be happily married, but is missing an essential balance in life since the death of his mentor, Mr. Miyagi. Meanwhile, even as this antipathy festers, it finds itself reflected in their protegees as Miguel and his comrades are gradually poisoned by Cobra Kai's thuggish philosophy. Meanwhile, while Daniel's daughter, Samantha, finds herself in the middle of this conflict amidst false friends, Johnny's estranged miscreant son, Robby, finds himself inadvertently coming under Daniel's wing and flourishes in ways worthy of Mr. Miyagi.
《Cobra Kai》故事背景设定在《龙威小子3》的 30 年后,丹尼尔成为汽车经销商,有著完美的家庭。他的高中死对头强尼则是经营空手道道场 Cobra Kai,,试图在多年前的失败中找到救赎。当这两位对手再度交会,多年前的战火再度燃起。 Thirty years after their final confrontation at the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, Johnny Lawrence is at rock-bottom as an unemployed handyman haunted by his wasted life. However, when Johnny rescues a bullied kid, Miguel, from bullies, he is inspired to restart the notorious Cobra Kai dojo. However, this revitalization of his life and related misunderstandings find Johnny restarting his old rivalry with Daniel LaRousso, a successful businessman who may be happily married, but is missing an essential balance in life since the death of his mentor, Mr. Miyagi. Meanwhile, even as this antipathy festers, it finds itself reflected in their protegees as Miguel and his comrades are gradually poisoned by Cobra Kai's thuggish philosophy. Meanwhile, while Daniel's daughter, Samantha, finds herself in the middle of this conflict amidst false friends, Johnny's estranged miscreant son, Robby, finds himself inadvertently coming under Daniel's wing and flourishes in ways worthy of Mr. Miyagi.
A bunch of boyz with daddy issues
日吹替:草尾毅/花轮英司 因缺斯汀
原作电影放在现在看可能充满套路但这部剧并没有狗尾续貂的意味。作为一部热血运动题材的剧集,剔除掉了原作那种菜鸟逆袭走上人生巅峰的不现实感,有的是对于两个完全不同的人行至中年后在学生身上重新审视和探讨自己。墨西哥小哥确实赢了比赛但maybe not,you need to balance you life