In 1925 the young florentine typographer Mario moves to via del Corno to be near his girl-friend Bianca. Here he becomes friends with Maciste, his landlord, and Ugo, anti-fascists both of them. When Campolmi is beaten by the fascists, Mario meets Milena, Campolmi's wife, at the hospital and falls in love with her leaving Bianca. Then Maciste is killed, again by the fascists, Ugo is wounded and he seeks shelter in ^ÓSignora^Ô's house. Here he falls in love with Gesuina and the two marry. Campolmi dies, but Mario and Milena part themselves. Later Mario too is arrested by the police.
103分钟的电影,生生被我看了一个下午加晚上:大义凛然的男人们、甘当花瓶的女人们与whataboutism;人物混乱、详略失当,谈恋爱与反法西斯都进行得一塌糊涂。唯有Via del Corno可爱、鲜活,窗户打开,便串联起每个人的生活。
5 OCT 2013 (4-)