A police officer that nearly meets a violent death is turned into a cyborg with superhuman strength, speed and reflexes.
Whatever happened to 8-Man? Why did he suddenly disappear, never to be seen again? This was the question on Sachiko's mind, as she couldn't forget about that fateful day when she learned the truth. When she found out Rachiro Azuma (whom she called Azuma-san) was the 8-Man, Azuma disappeared, never to be seen again...it seemed. She went on with her life, working in Public Relations for the Biotechno Corporation. Times have changed. Crime has a new face and a new mode. Newer technology has become part of the game, but the number one player is still power. Power is what high crime is looking for. So what do you do when the criminals turn into near-invincible cyborgs? The answer: bring back an old cyborg crime fighter, one capable of combatting this new threat. 8-Man returns to the scene, but he (like the scene) has changed. His mind is different, as he has a new host with a different set of priorities. 8-Man's new host is private detective Hazama Itsuru, a hard-nosed, sometimes violent ...
63年动画名作8 Man上映30年后的后续作品。原作是日本Cyborg超英祖师爷,徒子徒孙无数。这部作品和原作关系不大,情节简单,制作一般,但不知为何在欧美也有不少追捧者……
作为上世纪60年代名作《8 Man》的续作之一,本片算是名副其实的狗尾续貂。故事主角由东换成了羽座间,并继承了前者的改造人躯壳,借此打击犯罪。全片除了血腥暴力外完全看不出想表达什么,人性的挣扎?本OVA作画算是优良,打斗镜头流畅。爵士乐BGM很贴合纽约街头场景。除此以外就无亮点可言了。