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The Twenty

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暂无 Carty Fox has struggled with his drinking and the blackouts that attend it for as long as he can remember. But now, having jumped into the sober world one more time, he attempts to find a tiny handhold with which he can pull himself out of the gloom and into a more normal life. But what does that normal life look like? And how does he learn to live in it with his new son and discouraged wife? For Carty, the answer arrives in the form of a message written on a twenty-dollar bill. A message which, much to the chagrin of his family and friends, begins to intrigue him, to take hold of him, and finally drag him into an obsession. An obsession that leads him on a journey into a Lynchian landscape of shame, rage, and pain. A journey that forces him to reflect on his own life and, perhaps, to catch sight of the shadowy person he has imprisoned for all these years in his drunken state of mind. But will the experience of looking at the man in the mirror set him free or send him over the edge into never ending darkness?


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