Filmmaker Hermann Vaske explores the creative Balkan world in the hopes of understanding the meaning of "Balkan spirit", by interviewing philosopher Slavoj Žižek and various artists. However, the term's complexity very quickly becomes apparent and it seems increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to define the Balkans' geographical location, its people and its culture. Indeed, contradiction, chaos and change is at the Balkans very core.
三星半,今年Divan FF看的,说实话这个华丽的采访阵容真心NB我只是挑着电影界的贴了一下(金基德纯属乱入);看到齐泽克的时候直接精神了。其实可以做得再细致点或者更专门往电影上靠一些;现在这样虽然重点和逻辑都不清晰,但意外地……切题。片中那个红盒子的处理很聪明,但是看多了有点烦了。