一名德国长途卡车司机正遭遇中年危机。妻子与他离婚,让他萌发了自杀的念头。于是,他决定离开德国,做人生的最后一次旅行。在路上,他遇到一名爱沙尼亚女音乐家,她也刚被男友抛弃。后来,又有一名银行劫匪误打误撞地逃到他们的卡车里。另外还有一个奇怪的殡仪人员试图说服劫匪弃恶从善——这一车人就这么组合在一起,一同向爱沙尼亚驶去…… When a German long distance truck driver, who's suffering from a midlife crisis and slightly suicidal, leaves Germany for his last trip, he has no idea that certain uninvited companions will join him on the road - an Estonian cellist who has come to Germany to try her luck and has just been fired by her conductor boyfriend, a clumsy Estonian bank robber who accidentally drops the booty in the truck, and a weird German undertaker who tries to persuade the latter to do the right thing. Willing or not, they all reach Estonia, where some enlightenment is in store for them.