In this series, we follow the life of the legendary movie comedy giant from his childhood on the stage to his film career. Along the way, we learn of the works of this genius and his methods in creating them. Furthermore, we see how events drove him to ruin and how they turned around in his later years to allow him to enjoy the acclaim that was his due.
In this series, we follow the life of the legendary movie comedy giant from his childhood on the stage to his film career. Along the way, we learn of the works of this genius and his methods in creating them. Furthermore, we see how events drove him to ruin and how they turned around in his later years to allow him to enjoy the acclaim that was his due.
想象力加上执行力,正如副标题:a hard art to follow
没有字幕 折磨死我了
IMDb 8.9
How many loves your moments of glad grace, but I love the pilgrim soul in you, and love the sorrow of your changing face.
文刀大土申: 《巴斯特·基顿传》美国独立电影的先驱,其声望可与卓别林相媲美,创作的喜剧片也以动作挑动观众的神经。在第32届奥斯卡金像奖获得终身成就奖。这部关于他的纪录片,分3集,共160分钟,暂无字幕,度:http://t.cn/RAGt98n
萌神一直都很好看啊,老了也是个酷老头儿❤ ,感觉跟狐狸一类的,definitely my type~
开场的混剪有意思!01-From Vaudeville to Movies;02-Star Without a Studio;03-A Genius Recognized。