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并木航平(西岛秀俊 饰)是一名普通的保安,眼看着就要四十岁的他感情生活一片空白,唯一的兴趣爱好就是天文观测,曾经航平也梦想着能够成为一名天文学家,可是,家中拮据的经济状况让他不得不放弃了这一理想。
  一次工作中,航平遇见了名叫韩由娜(金泰熙 饰)的韩国国民偶像,她是他要保 护的客户。根据合同,航平需要提供不分昼夜的贴身保护服务长达99天,在这99天里,会有怎样的故事发生呢?随着时间的推移,航平发现表面上阳光开朗的韩由娜在内心里深藏着一个秘密,一开始看彼此不顺眼的两人也日久生情,可是,工作就是工作,不允许有任何感情的掺入,眼看着99天的期限就到到来,航平会做出怎样的选择呢?
Kohei Namiki (Hidetoshi Nishijima) is a single man approaching his 40's. He works at security company as a part-time job. He also has a sweet and handsome appearance, which some people take advantage of. Kohei is easily swayed by those around him. Kohei often takes care of his sister's three kids because Kohei's sister has a habit of wandering around, but he is a passionate man and dreams of finding his star. Because of his family and economic situations, Kohei can't follow through on those dreams. One day, Kohei is assigned security detail for the beautiful actress Han Yoo-Na (Kim Tae-Hee). Even though she has a near perfect appearance and style, she prefers to act like other normal people. She enjoys eating simple Japanese foods and on the filming set Yoo-Na will stop to help others. Yoo-Na has a pure and kind spirit. She seems to be the envy of all, but inside Yoo-Na is lonely working in the entertainment field and she also has a big secret. At first, bodyguard Kohei and top star ...


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