St. Louis based banker Roger Hobbs is writing a letter to his wife, Peggy Hobbs, about his true feelings concerning their just returned from month long vacation, the letter to be opened only after his death, whenever that may be. Mr. Hobbs wanted the vacation to be a romantic getaway for two, but Peggy insisted that it be a family vacation to a central California beach-side house, given to them for the month by friends. The vacation included all their offspring, and their offspring's respective families where applicable. Hobbs hated the idea as he felt he didn't know his offspring - and their spouses even less - and that they, in turn, no longer needed him. They include: daughter Susan Carver, who, with her husband, Stan Carver, have a permissive parenting style as per the latest child psychology books; daughter Janie Grant, whose husband, college professor, Byron Grant, has an academic view of everything in life; fourteen year old daughter, Katey Hobbs, who is self conscious around boys if only because of her new braces, that self consciousness which boys see as standoffishness; and preteen son Danny Hobbs, whose sole focus in life is watching television. The house ended up being a rat trap which exasperated their cook Brenda the most. But beyond that issue, Mr. Hobbs ended up learning the true nature of his relationship to his offspring and to Peggy. In the process, he had to endure the extended visit by an odd couple named the Turners, and learned that some problems can be solved purely by yelling "hey Joe" into an unknown group of boys.
吉米柏林封帝作,只能说实至名归的,年过五旬依然散发极强个人魅力,喜剧表演四两拨千斤,看得我目瞪口呆,太爱了!好几处倒回去看好多次。剧作优秀,台词精彩,导演拍得也非常好,观感太流畅了,塑造人物也见功底,简洁睿智,丝毫不觉得流俗,既是很好的娱乐片,又把家庭情节剧那些该讲的都讲得很棒。在一群男孩里喊Joe太搞笑了,然后原来《战争与和平》和《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》是俄国文学全世界通用的梗啊!【p.s., 拧断楼梯扶手上的球球是It's a Wonderful Life homage吗,窝一把子老泪纵横了
豆瓣上标过人数100人都没有,看来本片资源着实不好找。Jimmy Stewart后期比较有代表性的家庭喜剧类作品,同时也让他拿到了第二年的柏林电影节银熊奖最佳男演员。虽然是近60年前的电影了,但是当中许多笑点现在看来还是创意十足(有一段甚至让我觉得只想拍案叫绝)。很多家长里短的大事小事都被这家人遇上了,但基本都“误打误撞”地解决了。还是很适合一家人一起看的一部老片的。本片的剧本估计对后来的许多同类喜剧片多少有影响,完成度在同类片中也确实对得起它的口碑:情感处理得当、笑点多却不俗套、演员表现出彩。