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  • 类型:紀錄片 Documentary  地区:Iran  年份:2014 
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:未知 
  • 导演:Firouzeh Khosrovani 
  • 简介:在伊朗,無憂無慮的童年僅到九歲為止。自九歲起,每個小女孩就得從「責任節」開始,學習何時該蓋上頭巾、與異性應對。 详细 >
  • 更新时间:2023-08-18 12:08:00


在伊朗,無憂無慮的童年僅到九歲為止。自九歲起,每個小女孩就得從「責任節」開始,學習何時該蓋上頭巾、與異性應對。瑪莉卡跟瑪麗安曾是最好的童年玩伴,接受了一樣的伊斯蘭教育,卻在八年後成為截然不同的熟悉陌生人,一個每天虔誠頂禮,穿戴頭巾與罩袍;一個則夢想成為好萊塢魅力女星。她們如何看待頭巾?對未來又有什麼樣的想像?本片以深具同理心的溫柔視角,揭開伊朗女性養成教育的神秘面紗。 The hall is packed with chattering Iranian schoolgirls wearing lilac robes and white hijabs. An imam explains to them that at nine years old they have reached the \"age of duty.\" This, he says, is the moment at which puberty begins, bringing with it all the accompanying religious precepts. Carefree days are over, and from now on the angel on the right shoulder and the devil on the left will be there watching, weighing up good and evil. At the instigation of the imam, the girls dutifully chant when they should or should not wear the hijab. Greeted by loud cheering, a whipped cream version of the Kaaba is sliced up. The scenes of this school ceremony were recorded in 2005. Eight years later, filmmaker Firouzeh Khosrovani visits two of the children she filmed: the cousins and former best friends Melika and Maryam. What's been happening to them in the meantime? In the intimate confines of their own surroundings, the two young women talk about their past and present, and how they see their future. Maryam wears her hijab with full conviction and shares her existential doubts with God. Melika dreams of a career as an actress, paints her nails, and posts selfies on Instagram.


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