泰迪(杰姆斯·鲍弗 James Purefoy 饰)曾经拥有一个人人羡慕的幸福家庭,然而,一场意外无情的夺走了他的孩子的生命,这场严峻的打击将泰迪打落到了人生和道德的谷底,为了逃避灵魂和精神上的痛苦,泰迪选择了用酒精和性麻痹自己。那几年的泰迪和之前判若两人,宛如疯了一般的挥洒自己的痛苦和绝望,换来短暂的快乐和安慰,但最终还是会被一个人抛弃在虚无之中。
一次偶然中,艾迪在尼日利亚的小镇上度假,一场飓风袭击了这座小镇,灾难当前,泰迪在误打误撞之中救了一个男孩的命。这件事情被当地媒体大肆报道,而泰迪也在忽然之间找到了自己的人生意义,那就是做好事做善事。 """The Philanthropist"" chronicles the heroic adventures of a billionaire playboy-turned-vigilante/philanthropist. James Purefoy (""Rome"") stars as Teddy Rist, a successful tycoon whose life is forever changed after rescuing a young boy during a hurricane in the Nigerian town he was visiting. Rist is spontaneous and impulsive and quickly decides to channel his passion, power and money into helping those in need. A man who has everything but feels nothing, Rist keeps his adrenaline pumping by putting his business acumen and money-making skills to good use by bargaining with the self-righteous as he makes deals with drug barons and trading with the nefarious. Jesse L. Martin (NBC's ""Law & Order"") plays Philip Maidstone, Teddy's business partner and friend, and Neve Campbell (""Party of Five," "Burn Up"") plays Olivia, Philip's wife who also runs the charitable foundation set up by the two billionaires. Lindy Booth (""The 4400""), Michael Kenneth Williams (""The Wire""), Krista Allen ...
一次偶然中,艾迪在尼日利亚的小镇上度假,一场飓风袭击了这座小镇,灾难当前,泰迪在误打误撞之中救了一个男孩的命。这件事情被当地媒体大肆报道,而泰迪也在忽然之间找到了自己的人生意义,那就是做好事做善事。 """The Philanthropist"" chronicles the heroic adventures of a billionaire playboy-turned-vigilante/philanthropist. James Purefoy (""Rome"") stars as Teddy Rist, a successful tycoon whose life is forever changed after rescuing a young boy during a hurricane in the Nigerian town he was visiting. Rist is spontaneous and impulsive and quickly decides to channel his passion, power and money into helping those in need. A man who has everything but feels nothing, Rist keeps his adrenaline pumping by putting his business acumen and money-making skills to good use by bargaining with the self-righteous as he makes deals with drug barons and trading with the nefarious. Jesse L. Martin (NBC's ""Law & Order"") plays Philip Maidstone, Teddy's business partner and friend, and Neve Campbell (""Party of Five," "Burn Up"") plays Olivia, Philip's wife who also runs the charitable foundation set up by the two billionaires. Lindy Booth (""The 4400""), Michael Kenneth Williams (""The Wire""), Krista Allen ...
Tom Fontana 的脑袋一定是让猪拱了才写出这么个烂玩意儿
痛失至亲 精神上受打击 脑子也是 到处拿着臭钱打抱不平调戏小女的钻石男 这部歌颂疯子么 拍的很好 只是主题很恶心 附加 后来政治化了 更受不了
也就剩马克 安东尼那张脸可看看/ 编剧想拯救世界想疯了?
凭着James Purefoy我也要把这部剧看下去