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In a world filled with Noise, there is another Sound worth Hearing, and her name is Rachel Flowers. "Hearing is Believing" introduces the world to the life and music of the multi-talented 23-year old musician and composer, Rachel Flowers. "Hearing Is Believing", the new feature documentary from award-winning producer/director Lorenzo DeStefano ("Talmage Farlow", "Los Zafiros-Music From The Edge Of Time"), introduces the world to the astonishing young musician and composer, Rachel Flowers. Born 15 weeks premature, at a body weight of one pound five ounces, Rachel lost her eyesight due to Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). At two she began picking up melodies from her musician parents and was soon playing every song she heard by ear, including Bach fugues. The child had perfect pitch. Starting her formal musical education at the age of 4, Rachel spent the next 10 years studying at the Southern California Conservatory of Music, while completing her mainstream education through elementary, middle, and high school. She was featured in two episodes of 60 Minutes in 2005 & 2008, when she was 12 and 15 years old. DeStefano and his team have created a dynamic and engaging portrait of a year and a half in the life of a tight knit...


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