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美香(仲间由纪惠饰)是在日第三代韩裔,在《PEN》杂志做编辑,工作还算顺利。正打算和男友阿守结婚,却遭身为成功企业家的父亲的严厉反对,而被迫分手。正当她为感情烦恼之际,却通过手机交友认识了亮介(和田聪宏饰)。亮介在品川码头的仓库工作,是一个有理想却穷困潦倒的年轻人。亮介第一次见到美香便觉得面熟,原来他们在去年圣诞节前夜在韩国大使馆附近曾相遇…… "Please tell me who I really am." This e-mail message was sent by Mika Kimoto, an editor working at a publisher in Daiba, Tokyo. Coming from a wealthy family, Mika has always had everything she has ever wanted and more. She is a third-generation Korean living in Japan. She loves her job, and her Japanese boyfriend is a doctor. There's one thing that bothers Mika though - Her father Masao is very conscious of his ethnic heritage and will allow Mika to marry only a Korean. When her relationship falls apart because of her father's interference, she just happens to post the above message on a mobile phone dating service. Ryosuke, a blue-collar warehouse worker at Shinagawa Pier, replies to Mika's message. Daiba and Shinagawa Pier are separated by Tokyo Bay. Mika is a career woman working at a major firm. Ryosuke lives a meager life doing manual labor at a warehouse. There seems to be nothing in common between the two. Still, destiny brings them together. One day Mika happens to find her ...


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