饥饿的猫和聪明的小老鼠在岛上展开追逐战,杰瑞计上心头,化装成食人族土著,好好戏耍了汤姆一番…… Jerry is far from Tom's servant here. Tom, shipwrecked, washes up on a tropical island. His first attempts at food - a coconut and a turtle - are much too hard. But he spots Jerry just before Jerry sees him, and soon has him in the frying pan. Jerry escapes to a cannibal village; when he sees Tom's frightened reaction, he has his plan. Using soot from a pot, he blackens himself, then threatens Tom and starts cooking him. But Jerry's plan - and tail, and un-blackened bottom - is exposed when his grass skirt comes off during his war dance. Jerry helicopters away using the bone in his hair, and leading Tom right into the real cannibals. But Jerry's triumph is short-lived, as a pygmy cannibal comes after him.
饥饿的猫和聪明的小老鼠在岛上展开追逐战,杰瑞计上心头,化装成食人族土著,好好戏耍了汤姆一番…… Jerry is far from Tom's servant here. Tom, shipwrecked, washes up on a tropical island. His first attempts at food - a coconut and a turtle - are much too hard. But he spots Jerry just before Jerry sees him, and soon has him in the frying pan. Jerry escapes to a cannibal village; when he sees Tom's frightened reaction, he has his plan. Using soot from a pot, he blackens himself, then threatens Tom and starts cooking him. But Jerry's plan - and tail, and un-blackened bottom - is exposed when his grass skirt comes off during his war dance. Jerry helicopters away using the bone in his hair, and leading Tom right into the real cannibals. But Jerry's triumph is short-lived, as a pygmy cannibal comes after him.
6.5 有印象,看过好几遍,开头饿急眼连鞋子都吃的汤姆和后期土著民的登场一直徘徊在我脑里,不过这集其实剧本很薄弱。
小时候最爱的节奏 配乐 动作 异域风情十分到位
太经典了记忆犹新 片名玩梗自《女友礼拜五》His Girl Friday (1940), 小时候看这集的时候Tom开头啃鞋底吸面条似的鞋带儿可把我看馋了~
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