Documentary of the brief but memorable career of the now iconic James Dean. Narrated by Martin Sheen, the film focuses much attention on his early work for television, and utilizes a variety of archival footage in order to tell the story of the young man who gained immortality with only three feature films to his credit.
Documentary of the brief but memorable career of the now iconic James Dean. Narrated by Martin Sheen, the film focuses much attention on his early work for television, and utilizes a variety of archival footage in order to tell the story of the young man who gained immortality with only three feature films to his credit.
如果是Jimmy的影迷,這部紀錄片要列為a must-see,相較於collection box裡頭收錄的特輯,Forever Young不僅新(2005年為紀念五十週年發行),還收錄了十多個Jimmy演出電視的片段,這實在太珍貴了。
James Dean参演作品流水线合集
"Dream as if you'll live forever.Live as if you'll die today."
最后挥手说再见那一下太戳了,眼睛里全是纯真的孩子。James Dean,Forever Young!#迷影纪录片#
Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today. By James Dean.
的确是珍贵影像最多的一部,也是大爱最后那首“Tommy Sands-Let Me Be Loved”,虽然影片很中肯,也没提一个关于性向的字句,但陈述的事实总是那么让人浮想联翩,那么有爱!~~~也许他留给人心中最大的情感就是对他逝去的扼腕痛惜,如果他一直活得很好那价值就不会这么高了,失去的才知道他的好。
好多珍贵的影像资料,多少弥补了我对于关于他的几部传记电影的遗憾。开头用了Rod Stewart的Forever Young,结尾的配乐和画面看得直想飙泪。所有的悲伤源于二字“如果”,以James Dean名言结尾“梦想吧,就如你将永生。生活吧,就如你今天即将死去。”永远的Culture Icon。
Dignified and true. and do unto others.. As U'd have done to U.. Be courageous and be brave. and in my heart U'll Always stAy. FOrEvEr yOung..forever young.......