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To Love and Cherish

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暂无 Edith Foster is wooed by two men, Ralph Blake, a struggling young homesteader, the other Bruce Sanford, a rich rancher. The girl marries Ralph. Three months pass and Ralph becomes very ill, all the work of the homestead falling on Edith. She becomes worn and dissatisfied. Bruce, hearing of Ralph's illness, goes to the shack and tries to console with Edith. The girl, however, cheeks his advances. Later it is found that Ralph's sickness has left him dumb and partly paralyzed. He is unable to walk, using an invalid's chair to get around the house, Edith's dissatisfaction grows until one day Bruce finds her in the yard sobbing. He tempts her to go away with him, Edith resists, but finally agrees, Bruce tells her to meet him at the gate, Edith dresses in the bedroom and returning to the main room, finds Ralph there reading. After telling Ralph that she is going to the village. Edith notes that the window in the main room gives a view of the gate, where Bruce is waiting. She wheels Ralph into the bedroom where he cannot see, and when she leaves, closes the old-fashioned slat shutters on the main room window. Ralph misses his magazine and wheels into the main room to get it. He notes the closed shutters and wheels over to open them when he sees Bruce persuading Edith to go with him. Unable to speak or rise, Ralph undergoes a terrible agony of emotion that turns his hair snow white. When he sees Bruce and Edith drive away together Ralph makes another desperate effort to rise and speak. Suddenly his tongue is loosed and he calls Edith, but too late. Gradually he rises to his feet, totters to the wall, gets his rifle and hat and staggers toward the front door. At the railroad station Edith finds in her handbag the marriage certificate. This she crushes and breaking away from Bruce, she starts running back home. Ralph finds he is too weak to walk. When he opens the door he sees Edith coming back. In the revulsion of feeling he decides not to let her know what he saw and climbs into the wheelchair, thoughtlessly taking the rifle with him. Edith, coming in, feels sure that Ralph knows nothing. She goes to the bedroom, where he greets her in the same tender way. Her eyes perceive the rifle, however, and, snatching off his hat, she sees the white hair. Then she realizes that he did see all. Ralph forgives her and they start life anew with Ralph's powers of speech and walking restored.


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