Animas Trujano is a colorful but irresponsible Indian in a small Mexican village. He hopes above all things someday to be chosen mayordomio of his village, a place of great honor usually conferred upon the wealthiest and most respected citizens. Animas has a loyal wife, but cheats on her and gambles away every cent they raise. Chances arise for Animas to turn over a new leaf and even hope realistically for the honor of mayordomio. But will Animas behave responsibly enough to take advantage of these opportunities?
印象最深刻是第一次在虚构电影里看到oaxaca洲旗帜mezcal酿造过程包裹于贯穿全片的浓郁民族风情,据说本是为御用演员pedro infante量身打造角色,况且导演成片仍是选择他人配音...日裔表演知其于墨西哥文化的一片狂热和想要在日语世界之外闯出一片天倒是甚为可感
很迷的片子。三船的演法和罗生门一脉相承,居然毫无违和感。非常好奇导演和三船是怎么决定合作的。 字幕君不定期阵亡导致可能有些点没get到。三船这个角色的情感变化是很奇怪的,也不知道是剧本导演还是三船自己的锅。看他硬背西语台词那么辛苦,演到不违和这个程度已经非常厉害了。 三船出狱后和小三跳的那段舞真帅啊...问题就是和他之前的挫样脱节了😂
the greatest mexican film ever made.