出品单位: 河南电影制片厂、中共邯郸市委
1941年冬,八路军一名小战士在反“扫荡”突围中身负重伤,因失血过多,缺水休克,在周围没有水源的情况下,正在哺乳期的明德英毅然用乳汁救活了伤员…… During WW II, a lieutenant wounded badly in a battle, he's losing blood and dying. A good-hearted villager Ying Sao with her toddler passes by and save his life with her breast milk. She hides him and fights with Japanese soldiers wittily.
1941年冬,八路军一名小战士在反“扫荡”突围中身负重伤,因失血过多,缺水休克,在周围没有水源的情况下,正在哺乳期的明德英毅然用乳汁救活了伤员…… During WW II, a lieutenant wounded badly in a battle, he's losing blood and dying. A good-hearted villager Ying Sao with her toddler passes by and save his life with her breast milk. She hides him and fights with Japanese soldiers wittily.