Everybody loves Julia Lambert, she is so charming, she is so elegant, she is so irresistible... But Julia has problems. She is married to Michael, a stage producer, such an understanding man but also a little of a bore (although she will never admit it). She wants to be loved by all but she is (adorably) vain and self-centered. She is aging (just slightly) and at forty she is beginning (unconsciously) to ask herself questions. And now she has Fallen in love with Tom, a handsome young man, (only) a few years her junior. But Tom, more interested in climbing up the social ladder than in her personality, soon gets attracted to a cute upcoming actress, Averice Crichton...
音轨稍微有点不同步,red lips了好一会儿才确定是其他语种配音的问题,造成了配音痕迹太明显。——六十岁的女人已然活成了人精,不管你是小狼狗还是小奶狗还是老狗逼,她都能应付自如,你不是螳螂,她可是黄雀。6.7