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A Waif of the Sea

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暂无 The captain of a sailing vessel, with his wife and baby boy are the last to leave their sinking ship. After drifting helplessly about for days they place their baby in a provision box and consign him to the mercies of God Almighty. They shove the box off the raft and give up all hope. They are, however, picked up by some fishermen a few days after. In the meantime the box and its precious burden is washed ashore at a fishing village. The box is opened by the fisher folk, and the smiling baby is adopted on the spot by an old fisherman. He brings the boy up. A call is issued for assistance one day when the little chap is about seven years old. The boy's adopted father takes command of the saving crew that goes to the assistance of the vessel on the rocks. The attempt at rescue is a failure, however, and after hours of weary watching, the little fellow breaks his heart over the body of his friend and foster father as it has washed up on the rocks. After bidding farewell to the grave of the old man he starts out in the world to find his mother. He reaches a seaport town and stows away on what turns out to be his father's ship. He is found by the rough sailors. Asked first if he may pray, he kneels and repeats the Lord's Prayer. The captain has come into the group of salts as the little chap is praying, and kneeling beside him asks him who he is. He then recognizes a locket around his neck. It is his own boy. He takes him into his arms, and calling the grieving mother, the trinity rejoice at the mercy of Him above.


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