An English-speaking woman, who's off camera, talks about what it means to be an Armenian, even though she's never been there. On camera, images move rapidly, often looking as if a strip of film is being pulled quickly through the projector. Multiple images appear as well. The images are from Armenia: old churches, landscapes, faces, buildings, art, people. She recites a string of place names. When the narrator is silent, Armenian music plays. How does one explore one's cultural heritage from afar?
#69th Berlinale# Panorama40。加拿大的亚美尼亚裔导演Gariné Torossian使用叠印法创作的实验短片[Girl from Moush],除了向帕拉让诺夫致敬之余还对亚美尼亚的各种宗教建筑进行了有趣的拼贴,音轨做得也很有想法。去过亚美尼亚且帕爷粉丝的我表示在影片里面辨认各种图像的来源有趣极了!