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Glück auf halber Treppe

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暂无 Housewife Cleo Berger falls from the clouds when the police are at the door with a search warrant for her youngest daughter's children's birthday party. The fraudulent machinations of her husband, a dentist from whom she has been separated for some time, plunged Cleo into disaster: within 14 days she had to vacate the beautiful house and suddenly found herself with her three children Tim, Emma and Sophie without a place to stay, a job or money in front of nowhere. In times of need she turns to her father Werner, who has left her in the lurch since her mother's untimely death. The retired archaeologist, a sedate elderly gentleman, is not thrilled that his apartment with the many precious sculptures from all over the world is suddenly being mixed up by a lively extended family. In this tense situation, Cleo, who had to take a job as a waitress, has little time for her children. Fortunately, after a few atmospheric disturbances, Werner gradually grows into the role of the amiable grandfather and takes his grandchildren to the heart.


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