Victor Harris是个糟糕的花花公子,唯一能让他兴奋的就是他折磨别人时.Victor的妻子Elizabeth认为他是个恶棍,但又不敢同他离婚。Victor的律师Roman于是精心策划了一个解决方案—毒死Victor然后把他的死归咎于药物。不幸的是,没能毒死victor而只是让他进入了假死昏迷状态。他能思考也能听、甚至在被尸检时都可以感觉到每件事,但无法动弹.这一切足以让他陷入疯狂并从昏迷中“活”了过来。victor逃出墓穴后设圈套诱使Elizabeth和Roman进入他公寓的密室里,这样他就可以实施报复。
The masochist Elizabeth lives a marriage of convenience with the cynical, sadistic and reckless playboy Victor, who is the heir of a huge inheritance including the mansion where they live. She is the lover of Victor's lawyer and best friend Roman, but she can not divorce Victor since she signed a prenuptial contract that would leave her with only $10,000. Roman plots with Elizabeth to poison Victor with an experimental drug, but it fails and Victor is completely paralyzed without dying. During his autopsy with three medical students, Victor awakes from his comatose status, and totally deranged, he seeks revenge using his torture chamber.
当初骡子上拖的只因为海报上的大波女 可惜实际拖沓的不行 快睡着