Les déambulations de trois jeunes hommes dans les rues et les bistrots de Greenwich Village à New York.
Peter Emmanuel Goldman's rarely screened debut, an underappreciated landmark of the New American Cinema, chronicles the lives of twenty-somethings adrift in New York City, finding tremendous pathos in the smallest moments: a furtive glance across a museum gallery, girls putting on makeup, a stroll beneath the pulsing lights of Times Square marquees. Composed with a lo-fi purity and bereft of diegetic sound, its shadowy images of youthful flaneurs are paired with evocatively hand-painted title cards and a dynamic soundtrack drawn from the artist's LPs that, when combined, conjure up a ballad of dependency like none other.
3.5/5 Jonas Mekas, Susan Sontag 等对其评价都比较高,影像很有张力,有几个喜欢的桥段(均与性有关),横向地与卡萨维茨的Shadows作比,看两者都在何种方向上走到了极致。