《银河探险》是一套二十年前讲述太空NSEA保护者故事的电视科幻剧集,1982年停播,接近二十年后,饰演指挥官的贾森(蒂姆•艾伦 Tim Allen 饰),饰演博士的亚历山大(艾伦•瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰),以及格温(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)等几位演员再度聚首,参加一系列粉丝见面会和商业活动。期间,一群自称塞米安人的怪诞粉丝跟随贾森到他的家里,疲惫的贾森发现这群塞米安人并非疯狂粉丝,而是真正的外星人!没有欺骗能力的塞米安人在收看《银河探险》后以为贾森等人是真正的太空英雄,他们在和宇宙恶徒萨里斯的对决中节节败退,于是远赴地球寻求保护者们的帮助,贾森和亚历山大等船员假戏真做,帮助塞米安人对抗宇宙邪恶势力……
The sci-fi television series "Galaxy Quest", which took place aboard the intergalactic spaceship NSEA Protector, starred Jason Nesmith as suave Commander Peter Quincy Taggert, Gwen DeMarco as sexy communications person Lt. Tawny Madison (a role which consisted solely of repeating what the computer stated, much to Gwen's annoyance), Shakespearean trained Sir Alexander Dane as alien Dr. Lazarus, Fred Kwan as engineer Tech Sgt. Chen, and Tommy Webber as child gunner Laredo. Eighteen years after the series last aired, it lives on in the hearts of its rabid fans. However, it lives on in infamy for its stars, who have not been able to find meaningful acting work since. Their current lives revolve around cashing in on however those roles will afford, which usually entails attending fan conventions or worse, such as shopping mall openings. Only Jason seems to relish his lot in life, until he finds out that his co-stars detest him because of his superior attitude as "the Commander", and much of the public considers him a laughing stock. Their lives change when Jason is approached by who he thinks are convention fans asking for help. They are in reality an alien race called Thermians, led by Mathesar, who have modeled their existence after the series, which they believe to be real. When Jason and then the rest of his co-stars (along with Guy Fleegman, who was killed off before the opening credits in only one episode) go along with the Thermians, Jason's co-stars who believe they are off to yet another paying gig, they learn that they have to portray their roles for real. Without screenwriters to get them to a happy and heroic ending, they have to trust that their play acting will work, especially in dealing with the Thermian's nemesis, General Sarris. Guy in particular fears that he will go the way his character did on the series. But when they run across technical issues that they as actors didn't care anything about during the filming of the series and thus now don't know how to deal with, they need to find someone who should know what to do.
我记得小时候我好像还有张碟。我记得星际之门里也有类似戏仿的一集。西格妮·韦弗里有一句爬通风管道场景的台词“Ducts? Why is it always ducts?”,让人会心一笑(在那个还没看过异形的年纪肯定是get不到的)。
3.5 创意实在是太强悍了,类似科幻片片场版反向《开罗紫玫瑰》×2后双重嵌套,致敬《星际迷航》最终极的迷影同人篇。但执行还是太爆米花啦,一阵阵笑完后就感觉没什么特别惊爆的新东西。
ST粉看了会开心,各种ST的梗玩的好欢!!!!!斯内普教授生无可恋脸以及口气太好笑,让我想起银河系漫游指南里他给马文配音的口气啊23333异形女王加分....无论哪里轮机长总是神奇的存在( ;∀;)总之这是一部get到笑点会很喜欢的片
这算恶搞star trek咩,斯内普、monk和异形女集体乱入啊,边看边想象sheldon气疯了的样子~
有强烈地向Star Trek致敬的感觉。如果这事真发生在Geek们身上就太棒了。阿兰·里克曼又演了一个马文式的角色~~
各种好笑,外星人造型非常brian molko,AR叔一直好窘,最后一场戏突然有点小感动,维弗阿姨的任务就是露胸,从GQ到银漫,Sam升级好快,对了里面还有一段触手系