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島嶼》說的是三個孤獨靈魂的相遇,愛情就在害羞的眼神交會和接觸之中慢慢萌芽。特雷米帝群島上的牧師公寓裡住了三個人,非法移民伊凡、失去說話能力的少女瑪蒂娜、以及她的監護人恩佐神父。三人的關係逐漸發展開來,首先是老神父和外國人之間的友誼,接著伊凡和瑪蒂娜也萌生愛意,當地人士對這段戀情發動強力抨擊,幸好原本不支持兩人的神父最後改變立場,成為伊凡和瑪蒂娜唯一的守護者。 Ivan is desperate for employment. One day his search takes him to a nearby island, where he finds himself stranded, penniless and unable to make his way back home to the dingy apartment he shares with his ailing father. Help arrives, almost magically, in the form of a mute young woman. Martina has retreated into silence. She lives with a middle-aged priest recently impaired by a stroke. Don Enzo is proud and independent, his gruffness a sign of his resentment at being fussed over by a sister whom he suspects has ulterior motives. Enzo believes his caretaker has her eye on a piece of land used to house his beloved bees - and she is certainly disapproving of the bohemian life­style he has adopted by befriending strays like Ivan and Martina. Meanwhile, as Ivan spends more time on Enzo's property, he becomes intrigued by the mysterious young woman who seeks solace with the bees but refuses to say a word.


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