成熟冷静的米库里欧(逢坂良太 配音)、善良正义的少女艾利夏(茅野爱衣 配音)、开朗热情的罗洁(小松未可子 配音)、外表成熟个性却略显天真的莱拉(下屋则子 配音)、独来独往对人类缺乏信任的埃德娜(福圆美里 配音),一路上,史雷结识了一位又一位个性迥异的同伴,会有怎样的答案在终点等待着他们呢? Sorey is a human youth who grew up among the seraphim, spiritual beings not visible to humans. Sorey believes in the folklore that says "long ago, every human was able to see the seraphim" and dreams of unraveling the ancient mystery to make the world a place where people and seraphim can live together in peace. One day, Sorey visits the human capital for the very first time. He becomes embroiled in an incident during which he pulls out a holy sword embedded in a rock and ends up becoming a Shepherd, one who casts away calamity from the world. He begins to realize the gravity of his mission, and his dream of coexistence between mankind and the seraphim becomes more intense and thus, the Shepherd embarks on an amazing journey with his companions.