本片改编自直木奖获奖作家奥田英朗出版于2005年的同名小说。 A nice looking SCOUT hooks a future PORN STAR near the department store one day. It didn't take her long to be the highest paid porn actress, which eventually leads her to meet her NYMPHOMANIAC mother living in a trash-filled house. Next to the house, there lived a KARAOKE BOX STAFF who can't say "no" yet thinks himself as a special agent of the Galactic Forces (photo at left). In his imagination, he fights with yakuza and high-school girls, who extort money from real old-men through affairs in karaoke boxes. Meanwhile, an educated FREELANCE WRITER whose only companion is his little boy, was making out for the first time in many years with an ASPIRING VOICE ACTRESS who secretly films a "Fat Girl and Ugly Guy" porn series. Each life overlaps with one another in the street of Tokyo. Are they happy? Can they overcome such miserable situation
本片改编自直木奖获奖作家奥田英朗出版于2005年的同名小说。 A nice looking SCOUT hooks a future PORN STAR near the department store one day. It didn't take her long to be the highest paid porn actress, which eventually leads her to meet her NYMPHOMANIAC mother living in a trash-filled house. Next to the house, there lived a KARAOKE BOX STAFF who can't say "no" yet thinks himself as a special agent of the Galactic Forces (photo at left). In his imagination, he fights with yakuza and high-school girls, who extort money from real old-men through affairs in karaoke boxes. Meanwhile, an educated FREELANCE WRITER whose only companion is his little boy, was making out for the first time in many years with an ASPIRING VOICE ACTRESS who secretly films a "Fat Girl and Ugly Guy" porn series. Each life overlaps with one another in the street of Tokyo. Are they happy? Can they overcome such miserable situation
★★★☆ 中島哲也即便只是本片編劇,也為本片烙上了頗重的個人標籤,如果由他親自執導,相信加入他早起濃重的洛可可風格必定會讓影片更有看點。帶著點嘲諷、帶著點戲謔、帶著點淒涼,恍惚間便想起《嫌われ松子の一生》,六個不懂愛、不被愛、不會愛的人,即使嬉笑怒駡,骨子裡還是個悲傷的故事。
好猥琐= =~不过很励志