在院子的杂草丛中,隐藏着一处蚁穴。蚂蚁们列队行进,勤劳地将找到的食物顺序搬回窝里。这时候,唐老鸭(克拉伦斯•纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)刚好购物归来,他怀中的糖袋子不知因为什么原因源源不断撒落出糖来。糖粒如同冰雹砸向了蚂蚁队伍中最后一个小家伙,他被砸得晕头转向。唐老鸭看到这般光景,好心地将一颗大糖交给了这只可怜的小家伙。小蚂蚁欣喜过望,急急赶回蚁穴,将这一重大发现通报给女王。女王一声令下,召集周围所有的同伴,结队向唐老鸭的住所前进。
大兵压境,令唐老鸭惊慌失措。他开始手忙脚乱地追被对付这群无孔不入的入侵者…… Donald spills some sugar on his sidewalk, and soon the ants are in complete control of his home, stealing the cake he was baking, building a pipeline from his maple syrup to their hill, and causing general mayhem.
大兵压境,令唐老鸭惊慌失措。他开始手忙脚乱地追被对付这群无孔不入的入侵者…… Donald spills some sugar on his sidewalk, and soon the ants are in complete control of his home, stealing the cake he was baking, building a pipeline from his maple syrup to their hill, and causing general mayhem.