大手広告代理店・営業部に勤める水町大二郎(役所広司)は、会社の前で突然、かつての同僚、小田深雪(松本明子)に声を掛けられ、愕然とする。2人は7年前に付き合っていたのだが、大二郎が一方的にフラれ、その後深雪は他の男と結婚したと聞いていたからだ。 深雪は離婚して、バツイチのキャリアウーマンとして、大二郎の営業部に戻ってきたのだった。
http://www.tbs.co.jp /drama_archive/otona nootoko/index-j.html
Three close friends realize, at the age of 40, that maybe it's time to think seriously about getting married. Employed by an advertising agency, each struggles with his own weaknesses. One consistently strikes out with women, while the second can't seem to break his attachments to his mother, and the third is an unabashed playboy. This adult comedy exposes the humorous views and sobering misconceptions of marriage by single men today.