故事根据果戈理的小说改编。以现代为背景,揭示了尽管过去了 200 年,俄罗斯社会并没有发生多大变化。来自莫斯科的官员奇奇科夫不再向外省人购买 "亡魂",而是通过在莫斯科墓地出售名人、歌手、演员、政治家和其他贵宾坟墓旁的位置来空手套白狼。
Based on Gogol's novel and set in modern times, the story reveals that despite 200 years had past, not much has changed in Russian society. Instead of buying \"dead souls\" from provincials, Chichikov, an official from Moscow, is now making money out of thin air by selling privileged places at cemeteries, next to celebrities.