Young Raymond Floriot, following in his father Louis Floriot's professional footsteps, he now France's attorney general, has just passed the bar exam. Raymond's first case, appointed to him by the courts, is a murder case. His pitiful and poor Jane Doe client, who refers to herself only as Madame X, admits to killing the scoundrel of a man named Laroque, but won't disclose why or in turn defend herself in court. Raymond knows nothing of her past, which includes once being a woman of class, married to man of prestige. But that marriage ended because he treated her without love, which resulted in her leaving him for another man, who in turn passed away shortly thereafter. Her first marriage produced a son, who her husband refused to let her see. Her son never knew she was alive, he being told by his father that she died. The consequence of his action left Madame X on a downward path where she never found love. Now, in turn, she hopes her silence will protect the one that she really ...
Ruth Chatterton确实太适合演这种角色了,她形象特质中带有一种“不安分”的荤腥味,就非常适合演一些被爱恨情仇各种纠葛侵染的风尘角色,因此本片中的堕落、放纵、忏悔可以说是处理起来得心应手。
声音忽高忽低,看的最艰难的生肉之一🤣,全片没有任何配乐,这情节够drama,前半段Floriot和Noel的对话挺值得思考的,Alexander Bisson的这个剧本被拍了好多个版本
#Something 'Bout Her Makes Me Feel Like A Natural Woman# Cast:Ruth Chatterton;Raymond Hackett P.S. I Really Should Have…Earlier…②