The Last Ocean The Ross Sea, Antarctica is the most pristine stretch of ocean on Earth. A vast, frozen landscape that teems with life - whales, seals and penguins carving out a place on the very edge of existence. Californian ecologist David Ainley has been traveling to the Ross Sea to study this unique ecosystem for more than thirty years. He has written scientific papers describing it as a 'living laboratory'. Largely untouched by humans, it is one of the last places where the delicate balance of nature prevails. But an international fishing fleet has recently found its way to the Ross Sea. It is targeting Antarctic toothfish, sold as Chilean Seabass in up-market restaurants around the world. The catch is so lucrative it is known as white gold. Ainley knows that unless fishing is stopped the natural balance of the Ross Sea will be lost forever. He rallies his fellow scientists and meets up with a Colorado nature photographer and New Zealand filmmaker who also share a deep passion for this pristine corner of the world. All want to stop fishing and protect this last pristine ecosystem. Together they form 'the Last Ocean' and begin a campaign taking on the commercial fishers and governments in a race to protect Earth's last untouched ocean from our insatiable appetite for fish.
不得不說半夜看得很餓,不得不說現在看任何environmentalist的東西都只能感嘆我一點都不愛地球了😅 但也許沒有人類的地球本應是可愛的罷,只是對人類一點信心都不剩了。為什麼人類沒有predator呀🤯 這才是地球最大的bug。(是誰在小島呆了太久開始感興趣marine science…
最后的蓝海st 台版
The last ocean——Ross Sea.作为渔业资源学生,看完这个片子内心真是MMP,对于罗斯海是否应该划为保护区、范围多大、是否应该捕鱼、可以捕的话量应该限制在什么水平……这些问题背后充满了短期经济利益与长期生态效益、国家之间政治利益,以及各国政府、大公司、环保部门、非政府组织、科学界之间的较量,前路漫漫。最讽刺的是科学家说游客来旅游,除了拍照别的任何东西都不准带走,科学家们从这儿(南极)拿一片鸟类羽毛(科研用)也要严格登记,而那些捕鱼船来了之后在你眼皮子底下捞走那么多鱼。老爷子真不容易,下了几篇他的论文慢慢看。
the Ross Sea,但是为什么,2018年超市里还有那么多toothfish(南极犬牙鱼,美称Chilean Sea Bass)出售?惭愧呀,不知情的情况下曾经消费食用。原来企鹅日行240公里找食物喂捕幼鸟,太佩服了实在是...人群中那些每天100km就已经很厉害不得了的啦.......
Highly recommend... Stupid human being!