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以死抗争 2

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丹尼莫瑞是美軍陸戰隊,他也是印第歐的混血兒,退役後回到家鄉結婚生子,白種人在熱帶雨林建高速公路,強迫土著做工,土著受到非人的待遇,丹尼帶頭反抗,被工地頭子范艾克所殺,消息傳回美國,丹尼的好人「鐵人」聽到這個消息非常氣憤... A corporation building a highway through the rainforest hires a gang of mercenaries to get rid of the local Indians, who don't want the highway built through their lands. The mercenaries resort to murder, massacres and enslavement to rid the company of its Indian problem. Sgt. Irons, a former Marine NCO, helps to unite the jungle tribes and leads them in their fight to protect their homes and their families.


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