毒太阳2(港) / 烈日灼身2(台) / Burnt by the Sun 2: Exodus
冤无头债无主 / 山岚之爱 / 山之囚 / 山中困囚 / Prisoner of The Mountains / Kavkazskiy plennik / 高加索囚徒
梦中和不是梦中的飞行 / Polyoty vo sne i nayavu / Flying Asleep and Awake / Flights of Fancy / Flights in Dreams and in Reality
Pokrov Gates / Pokrovskiye vorota / The Pokrovskie Gate / The Pokrovsky Gates / 波克罗夫斯基之门
Zolotoy telyonok / The Golden Calf
烈日灼人3 / Burnt by the Sun 3: The Citadel