当然教皇的家人将仍然是故事叙述的核心,只不过这个家族的内部斗争也愈来愈激烈。 Cesare (弗朗索瓦·阿尔诺)和Juan(大卫·奥克斯)兄弟反目。Lucrezia(霍利·格林格)在爱和自我中从极端走向极端。别忘了尤利乌斯二世,虽然他当时还没爬上教皇的御座,But it is known,他的野心终将被写入史书,而其中的细节与曲折,恐怕还得各位看官睁大眼睛看好波吉亚家族第二季…… With the King of France in Naples and a peace of sorts arrived at, Rodrigo swears revenge against those who plotted against him. Cardinal Della Rovere is poisoned, though he survives the attempt on his life. Cesare and Juan continue to fight despite Rodrigo's pleas to unite with him against their enemies. Rodrigo also decides to hold a celebration for the people of Rome on a pagan feast day featuring a horse race and a large effigy of a bull. He also discovers a beautiful young woman, Vittoria, who is posing as a boy so that she can be an artists apprentice. The Pope's mistress, Giulia Farnese, is not pleased. In Naples, plague has wiped out much of the population and Prince Alfonso, who introduced the plague, is tracked down and taken prisoner.
当然教皇的家人将仍然是故事叙述的核心,只不过这个家族的内部斗争也愈来愈激烈。 Cesare (弗朗索瓦·阿尔诺)和Juan(大卫·奥克斯)兄弟反目。Lucrezia(霍利·格林格)在爱和自我中从极端走向极端。别忘了尤利乌斯二世,虽然他当时还没爬上教皇的御座,But it is known,他的野心终将被写入史书,而其中的细节与曲折,恐怕还得各位看官睁大眼睛看好波吉亚家族第二季…… With the King of France in Naples and a peace of sorts arrived at, Rodrigo swears revenge against those who plotted against him. Cardinal Della Rovere is poisoned, though he survives the attempt on his life. Cesare and Juan continue to fight despite Rodrigo's pleas to unite with him against their enemies. Rodrigo also decides to hold a celebration for the people of Rome on a pagan feast day featuring a horse race and a large effigy of a bull. He also discovers a beautiful young woman, Vittoria, who is posing as a boy so that she can be an artists apprentice. The Pope's mistress, Giulia Farnese, is not pleased. In Naples, plague has wiped out much of the population and Prince Alfonso, who introduced the plague, is tracked down and taken prisoner.
只有对付法国国王那一段还不错,这季boss就是疯子教士和juan? 格局太小 比不上第一季
第二季aka Odd One Out: Who’s the Gay,比上一季好看了一点,不得不说本剧是有些精妙绝伦的骨科在里面的
1、还是罗马的装束好看2-3、嗨呀 空城计4-5、unwitting father,翅膀硬了 Cesare!6-7、弗洛伦萨这个Dominican 派行动起来好愚昧又反动啊 有点儿脑子的还是从教廷叛出去的那位但凡你们两边任何一支队伍里有个神箭手或者弩手 百步穿杨那种 就不会拉拉扯扯这么久 而且 都暴露在炮程内了 跟法王勾勾搭搭那么久 这次的炮总不会是石膏炮了吧 是我就连孩子带Juan一起轰死哇哦 Lady Sforza! thats my girl!8、鸦片9、猎巫 神罚 好!干得漂亮 Cesare!10、oh, it’s time.