Misaki Takahasi is the 18-year-old (19 in episode 8 of Junjo Romantica) little brother of Takahiro. At the start of the series, Misaki is about to sit for his college entrance examinations. His dream is to go to Mitsuhashi University since that was the college his brother turned down so that he could begin taking care of Misaki after their parents died. Although seemingly childish and brash, Misaki is later revealed to be a person who is simply adamant on insisting against doing anything that might be troublesome for anyone else. This is due to the fact that he still blames himself for his parents' death (believing that if he had not asked them to hurry home, they would not have sped in the rain and crashed). Misaki and Usami eventually begin a relationship together which puzzles Misaki, who is not outwardly confident about his feelings towards the older man because of his narrow view of a typical relationship. In the anime adaption, he is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai
这电影在爱奇艺叫 绝命特工 竟然没有人看过???
很奇怪的观感,black ops的俄国特种兵在越战期间战场捞人的故事。和游戏《狙击精英》美国独狼狙击手穿越二战德国战场去找武器专家一样,有一种迷离感。片中的军事动作比较到位,但都较小型化(不超过20~30人),海豹服装有点超前,俄国人一身美军装备在越南说俄语,怎么看都很奇怪。一边叼着烟一边给炸弹装炸药你能信?越南妹还真是人人爱我,我爱人人啊~
除了配乐和女主以及老式的避孕套 没什么亮点