The Electric Horseman is a 1979 adventure-romance film starring Robert Redford and www. aiyoutv.com Jane Fonda and directed by Sydney Pollack. The film is about a former rodeo champion who is hired by a cereal company to become its spokesperson, and then runs away on a 12 million electric-lit horse and costume he is given to promote it in Las Vegas.
Sonny Steele used to be a rodeo star, but his next appearance is to be on a Las Vegas stage, wearing a suit covered in lights, advertising a breakfast cereal. When he finds out they are going drug the horse in case its too frisky, he rides off into the desert...
观感非常舒适的西部公路电影 主题虽然放在了保护动物上 它们原本属于大自然的世界却无奈成了取悦人类、资本家赚钱的工具 三分之一处节奏开始变缓 雷福德与方达的戏份是全片最佳 两人对戏就像流水静静流淌,舒服又自然 结尾也非常喜欢,每个人都选择走自己的路 没必要为了对方委曲求全,很cool
无法不想到Lonely Are the Brave,在街上骑马的部分也好在山里行走的部分也好……都是关于某种不容于世的旧时情怀,当然基调完全是童话主角也毫不lonely。男主放现在一定是被群嘲的伪动保人士。
前段时间看了“Our Souls at Night-2017”再看这部our souls in the country,他俩是否登对也是见仁见智了,喜欢那场骑马跑赢警车的戏。想起芙芙说想跟Sydney Pollack合作,她就是喜欢这种硬硬的男人。
Pollack+Redford 每一部都是大爱啊!
Old-fashioned...还是水导的一贯作风,最近看太多了已经完全免疫了。 Bob可能是这个世界上唯一一个留着诡异的小胡子还能帅得如此不近人情的人吧。