Antonio returns to Argentina from political exile and reunites with his old partner Ricardo at Ricardo's bar. With several talented dancers, the partners stage a cabaret. Ricardo narrates and Antonio sings, taking their audience through the history and meaning of the tango, a dance from the mean streets of the poor. Now that Antonio is back, there is also tension with Ricardo, because both have a history with Elena, and both love her. After the singing, the dancing, and the talking ends, with which man will she want to tango?
20030831 23:23:00 cctv6 探索影厅 探戈舞吧
~In Stock~
借由一个三角恋故事的外壳(这故事本身不也是探戈永恒的主题吗?),用闪回的方式回顾了探戈的历史,更选取了一些电影甚至卡通中的探戈舞片段,展现了不同时代不同流派探戈的风貌,比起绍拉的纪录片亦毫不逊色。在VHS画质下都如此动人,真希望能现场看一看este es tango这场秀。